Hydraulic Oil ISO 68 – Hydraulic Oil VG 68

Hydraulic Oil Grade ISO 68

  • Hydraulic Oil ISO VG 68 – Please call for our latest prices 
  • Hydraulic Oil ISO VG 68 – Available in various sizes IBC, 205, 25, 20, 5 & 1 Litre
  • Hydraulic Oil HVI ISO 68 – Also Available

Midlands Lubricants Ltd supplier distributor of premium quality Hydraulic Oil, lubricants are please to provide customers with a comprehensive range of Grade ISO VG 68 Hydraulic Oils, HVI (Higher Viscosity) Hydraulic ISO 68 Oil & Biodegradable Hydraulic ISO 68. We provide customers with a range of own brand hydraulic oils formulated from high viscosity index solvent mineral base oils with advanced additives to provide excellent protection against oxidation, corrosion, anti-wear (AW68) and foaming.

Blended brand new to order – Quality Assurance policy BER 1400/2002

Midlands Lubricants Hydraulic oil VG 68 is blended to ISO 68 viscosity grade requirements and is recommended as suitable for use in a wide range of mobile or static equipment that have hydraulic applications including but not limited to Digger Hydraulic Oil systems, Road and Path equipment, Earth Movers Hydraulic Oil systems, Forklifts, Heavy Plant equipment, Compactors requiring Hydraulic ISO 68, and some Excavators.

  1. Better Viscosity Index than Brand Name oil suppliers.
  2. Improved Viscosity Index, stops the oil becoming thin at high temperature, lasting longer.
  3. Extreme Pressure (EP) oils that bond to prevent touching at high pressure prolonging life.
  4. Anti-foam agents.
  5. Brand match Laboratory tested oils with full batch traceability.     
Product Description – Hydraulic ISO VG 68

Also available in HVI’s and Bio-degradable ISO viscosity grades Hydraulic Oil Range   Cleanliness spec 18-16-12

  • Hydraulic ISO VG 68 available 1000 litres – Please call for latest prices
  • Hydraulic ISO VG 68 available 205 litres 
  • Hydraulic HVI 68 available 1000 litres 
  • Hydraulic HVI 68 available 205 litres 
  • Hydraulic HVI 68 available 25 litres 
  1. Hydraulic Oil ISO 68 Data Sheet
  2. HVI Hydraulic Oil ISO 68 Data Sheet   
  3. Biodegradable Hydraulic Data sheet
Product Description – Hydraulic Oil ISO VG 68 – Hydraulic HVI 68 and 68 Bio-degradable

Frequently asked questions

  • DIN 51524, Part 2 (HLP) ISO 6743/4, Type: HM Vickers: I-286-S
Typical Properties     ISO Grade5101522324668100150
Kinematic Viscosity
…at 0°C, cSt216011019530055092517303000
…at 20°C, cSt9.521.5355580130200340550
at 40°C, cSt5.0101522324668100150
at 100°C, cSt2.
Viscosity Index808490102100100100101
Flash Point, COC, °C65162174192216220232240267
Pour Point, °C-48-45-33-30-30-30-28-24-24
Density, g.ml-10.840.860.870.870.870.870.880.880.89
ASTM D943:1000 hr TOST, TANLess than 2.0 mgKOH.g-1
IP154: Copper CorrosionPASS – Rating 1
DIN 51389: Vickers Vane Pump, Wt LossLess than 50 mg
ASTM D1401:Demulse, mins3789912212536
IP 153B: Salt Water CorrosionPassPassPassPassPassPassPassPassPass
IP 313: ARV 50°C, 0.2% air23456791214
IP 146: Foaming Tendency / Stability
Sequence I10/010/015/015/020/030/040/040/040/0
Sequence II5/05/010/010/010/010/010/040/040/0
Sequence III10/010/015/015/020/020/040/040/040/0
IP 278: Seal Compatibility17.516.514.513.510.

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